Popular Articles
Mary, Mary, Not Quite So Contrary
Christianity Today (December 2018)
Academic Articles
Pentecostal and Charismatic Ecumenism
Geoffrey Wainwright and Paul McPartlan, eds., Oxford Handbook of Ecumenical Studies (Oxford, 2021)
Theology in Changing Contexts: Interdisciplinary Theology
Stanley Porter and Steve Studebaker, eds., Evangelical Theological Method: Five Views (IVP, 2018), 73-92 and 165-176
Dances with Ezekiel
Stephen Wright, ed., The Promise of Robert Jenson’s Theology (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2017)
Communion: A Pentecostal Perspective
Michael Root, James J. Buckley, eds., What Does It Mean to “Do This”? Supper, Mass, Eucharist (Cascade, 2014), 121-143
Ephraim Radner, A Brutal Unity, Review
First Things 239 (January 2014), 55-57
Jesus’ New Relationship with the Holy Spirit, and Ours: How Biblical Spirit-Christology Helps Resolve a Chalcedonian Dilemma
Fred Sanders and Oliver Crisp, eds., Christology, Ancient and Modern: Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics (Zondervan, 2012)
Bruce Benson, Malinda Berry, and Peter Heltzel, eds., Prophetic Evangelicals (Eerdmans, 2012), 191-203
Kelly M. Kapic and Bruce L. McCormack, eds., Mapping Modern Theology: A Thematic and Historical Introduction (Baker Academic, 2012), 227-258
A Stranger at Home? The Critical Bible in the Life of the Church
Carlos Bovell, ed., Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Authority of Scripture (Wipf & Stock, 2011), 371-396
What Have the Galapagos to Do with Jerusalem? Scientific Knowledge in Theological Context
James K.A. Smith and Amos Yong, eds., Science and the Spirit: A Pentecostal Engagement with the Sciences (Bloomington: Indiana, 2010), 15-33
'Iconomy': A Rule Theory for Images in the Church
St. Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly 52:3-4 (2008), 293-338
A Place, not a Pigeonhole: Scripture as a Fruitful Theological Topic
Austin Seminary Journal 124:1 (Fall 2008), 17-20
Review of Richard Bauckham, Jesus and the Eyewitnesses
Biography: an Interdisciplinary Quarterly 31:2 (Spring 2008), 290-295
The Science Division: Pneumatological Relations and Christian Disunity in Theology
Zygon: Journal of Religion and Science 43:4 (12/2008), 897-908
Don't Call Me Postconservative: A Theological War We'd Do Best to Avoid: review of Roger Olson, Reformed and Always Reforming
Christianity Today 52:2 (2/2008), 79-80
Review of John Webster, Holy Scripture: A Dogmatic Sketch
Scottish Journal of Theology 60:4 (11/2007), 484-487
Messianic Showdown: How Jesus Turns the World Upside Down
The Christian Century 124:13 (June 26, 2007), 28-31
Converting God’s Friends: From Jonah to Jesus
Word & World 27:2 (Spring 2007)
Education as Mission: The Course as Sign of the Kingdom
Journal of Education and Christian Belief 11:1 (Spring 2007)
Review of David S. Katz, God’s Last Words: Reading the English Bible from the Reformation to Fundamentalism
Pro Ecclesia 16:1 (Winter 2007), 110-114
Authority of Scripture
Katharine Doob Sakenfeld, gen. ed., New Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (Nashville: Abingdon, 2006)
Pentecostal and Charismatic Worship
Geoffrey Wainwright et al., eds., The Oxford History of Christian Worship, chapter 21 (New York: Oxford, 2006), 574-585
Witness to the Signs: review of Lesslie Newbigin, Signs amid the Rubble
Pro Ecclesia 13.3 (Summer 2004), 352-358
Witness to the Signs: review of Lesslie Newbigin, Signs amid the Rubble
Pro Ecclesia 13.3 (Summer 2004), 352-358
Speaking for the Spirit in an Age of Division
Carl Braaten and Robert Jenson, eds., The Ecumenical Future (Eerdmans, 2004), 198-217
Review of J. Denny Weaver, The Nonviolent Atonement
Theology Today 59:3 (October 2002), 510-513
Witness to the Signs: review of Lesslie Newbigin, Signs amid the Rubble
Pro Ecclesia 13.3 (Summer 2004), 352-358
Annunciation as Election
Scottish Journal of Theology 54:3 (2001), 285-307
Veggie Ethics: What America’s Favorite Vegetables Say About Evangelicalism
Theology Today 57/4 (1/2001), 473-483
I Belong to the One True Church
in Geoffrey Wainwright, Lesslie Newbigin: A Theological Life (New York: Oxford, 2000), 398-401
Kiss Me, Kate: Putting Visions of Religious Convergence to the Test
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 10/1 (2000), 44-56
Advent's Answer to the Problem of Evil
International Journal of Systematic Theology 2/1 (3/2000), 100-111
Reordering Salvation: Church as the Proper Context for the Ordo Salutis
David Cunningham, Ralph Del Colle, and Lucas Lamadrid, eds., Ecumenical Theology in Worship, Doctrine, and Life: Essays in Honor of Geoffrey Wainwright (Oxford, 1999), 182-195
Christian-Muslim Convergence as Tradition-Constituted Enquiry
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue 7/2 (1997), 200-216