The Bible as Love Story

Augustine's Life
Born of a Christian mother, classically trained, professor of rhetoric.
Traveled through Manichaeism and Platonism.
Arrived at catholic Christianity through Ambrose (and allegorical technique).
Struggled against sin, then found his victory in God's grace.
Ordained against his will and became bishop of Hippo, North Africa.
His writings made him one of the west's most influential biblical interpreters.
Scripture in Augustine's Theology
Confessions creates the genre of spiritual autobiography, centering on the Psalms.
So scripture is a sacramental mediator of God's personal presence
through its theme of worshipful relationship.
City of God renarrates ransacked Rome in terms of a panhistorical "city of man"
and the Church in terms of an transhistorical and eternal "city of God,"
through its theme of universal cosmic history.
City of God interprets symbols including the Millennium and Tribulation as allegorical, representing mysterious realities (so amillennialism), through its theme of divine revelation.
So scripture speaks both straightforwardly (human history) and obliquely (of angels and Satan).
On Christian Teaching treats scripture's rightful use in terms of
cultivating virtue, through its themes of faith, hope, and especially love.
On Christian Teaching justifies allegorical and typological interpretations,
judging readings on whether they serve love.
So scripture is a means of sanctifying grace that prepares us for its beatific vision.
On the Trinity reads the narrative of the Son's self-emptying as showing God's essence eternally shared among the persons.
Thus the Holy Spirit proceeds from both the Father and the Son (Nicene Creed: Filioque).
So scripture's narratives illustrate 'eternals' genuinely displayed in time.
This is perhaps scripture's deepest theme: God's essence, love, shared in God and with us.
Scripture as a 'Multitool'
The Bible functions narratively, didactically, devotionally, ethically, mystically, liturgically.
Which themes are foregrounded depends on which functions are currently primary.
All functions and themes harmoniously serve its ultimate end of God's love
(and if they don't, an interpretation fails).