Ecclesiology: Who Cares?
- I. The Claim, Its Challengers, and Its Champion
The creedal claim: "We believe the One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church."
- The historicist challenge: overlapping, competing 'Christian traditions.'
The modern, individualistic challenge: mere political structures, 'organized religion.'
The consumeristic challenge: dispensable means of personal growth (or fatigue).
Jesus cares! The community of disciples is his top priority.
Theological implications: 'the Church' calls for theological interpretation, discernment, respect.
- II. The Church as "the Gathering Gathering"
ekklêsia means assembly, gathering, reunion.
Israel assembles as ekklêsia (1 Kings 8:14).
- Israel is scattered among the nations (2 Kings 25).
- Israel's regathering is prophesied and begun
- (Jer 3:14-17, 2 Chron 36:22-23, 1 Pet 1:1, Eph 1:22-23).
- III. Resonances: The Term ekklêsia ...
... respects the Church's eschatological context between Christ's ascension and return.
... respects that the Kingdom is "already" (Matt 12:28) and "not yet" (Matt 13:47-50), so the Church "manifests the Kingdom without being identified with it."
- ... emphasizes the Church's concreteness.
- ... recognizes that the Church is personal, a 'who' more than a 'what.'
... respects the Church's center over its boundaries - (whether in Catholic, Protestant, or Pentecostal fashion).
- ... suggests the Church's 'marks' of unity, holiness, catholicity, and apostolicity.
- IV. What About the "Old" Israel?
- What is "the Israel of God"? (Gal 6:16).
Supersessionism: The Church replaces Israel as "the new Israel" (classical theology).
Dispensationalism: The Church and Israel live under two different and still active covenants.
Pluralism: The Church and Israel have different ways to salvation (some varieties of Dispensationalism).
- Paul's more complicated vision (Rom 9-11, interpreting Deut 32): Someday "all Israel will be saved" by faith.