You have several opportunities in the context of our course to start a group that includes people not in our class in the discovery process using a DBS:
If you start such a group, you can submit a report of the outcome as one of your written exercises. Before you begin, create the file in which all of your work will go, if possible on the cloud. Make sure it's regularly backed up! Then, in that file, add at least seven entries along these lines:
In a short paragraph, name something that happened that week as your group shared gratitude or struggles, learned what the passage taught, or did or shared something as a result. If it relates to something about Christian doctrine you learned from lectures, books, discussion, etc., by all means say how!
Near the due date, conclude your report with the following assessment, and submit it:
What cumulative effect has your discovery group had on your relationships: with God, others, the Bible, and/or yourself?
What happens next: Will your group continue with another story set? Will its members start their own groups too?