Current Semester

Introduction to Christian Doctrine
Exposure to the core guidance of the living Church of Jesus Christ and to its divine source and focus, and skills and fruitfulness in knowing God and serving God's mission and movement.
Theology / Senior Seminar
Pursuing the knowledge of God, as Christians understand it to be revealed through lives of learning from, knowing, remaining in, obeying, and sharing the Father in the Son through the Holy Spirit within their inclusive and expanding fellowship of saints. To learn theology that apprehends the Triune God in spirit and truth, we must be apprentices, above all apprentices of Jesus, for "as the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you" (John 20:21 ESV), and "everyone when fully trained will be like his teacher" (Luke 6:40).

Future and Past Semesters
Introduction to the New Testament
2005, 2020, 2021, Fall 2024
Westmont College
Theology for Discipleship
Fall 2024
Westmont College
Theology: Missional Ecclesiology
Spring 2024
Westmont College
Faith and Understanding
Fall 2021, Fall 2024
Augustinian Scholars Program
Westmont College
Pilgrim Citizens
Spring 2022, Spring 2025
Augustinian Scholars Program
Westmont College
Spring 2024
Augustinian Scholars Program
Westmont College
Introduction to the Old Testament
Fall 2023
LCC International University, Lithuania
Moral Philosophy / Theological Ethics
Fall 2023
LCC International University, Lithuania
A Backstage Pass to the New Testament
Spring 2023
New Tribe Bali, Indonesia
First-Year Seminar: Summer Sierra Backpacking
Summer 2017-2022
Westmont College
Senior Seminar: Genesis
Fall 2020
(with Sandy Richter)
Westmont College
The Global and Local Church
Fall 2019, Fall 2020
Augustinian Scholars Program
Westmont College
Theology in Film
Spring 2015, 2017, 2018
Westmont College
Senior Seminar: Doctrine of Scripture
Spring 2017
(with Holly Beers)
Westmont College
God and Nature I
Fall 2016
CCCU Creation Care Studies Program, New Zealand
Themes in Biblical Theology
Summer 2016
South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studies, India
Augustine and Augustinianism
Spring 2001, 2016
Torch-Trinity Graduate University, South Korea
Islam in Christian Perspective
Spring 2016
Torch-Trinity Graduate University, South Korea
Spring 2016
(with Nate Shannon)
Torch-Trinity Graduate University, South Korea
Reformation History and Theology
Winter 2016
Asia-Pacific Theological Seminary, Philippines
Major Christian Traditions
Spring 2016
LCC International University, Lithuania
Missional Theology
Fall 2015
Lviv Theological Seminary, Ukraine
Professional Ethics for Christian Leaders
Summer 2015
St. Frumentius Theological Seminary, Ethiopia
Advanced Studies in Christian Ethics
Fall 2015
Ethiopian Graduate School of Theology, Ethiopia
Theological Formation
Fall 2011, 2014
Westmont College
Senior Seminar: Missional Theology
Spring 2014
(with Helen Rhee)
Westmont College
Doctrine of Salvation
Fall 2013
Westmont College
Doctrine of Humanity
Fall 2012
Westmont College
Senior Seminar: Eschatology
Spring 2012
(with Bruce Fisk)
Westmont College
Doctrine of Scripture
Spring 2011
Biblical Ethics
Spring 2010
South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studies, India
Theological Interpretation: Deuteronomy
Spring 2005, 2009
Westmont College
Contemporary World Theologies
Spring 2004, 2006, 2008
Westmont College
Ecclesiology and Eschatology
Summer 2000, Spring 2008
Fuller Seminary
Christology and Soteriology
Summer 1997, Spring 1998, Winter 2008
Fuller Seminary
Theology and Anthropology
Fall 2007
Fuller Seminary
Doctrine of the Word
Fall 2003, 2007
Westmont College
Doctrine of Reconciliation
Fall 2006
Westmont College
Medieval and Reformation Theology
Winter 2005
Fuller Seminary
Doctrine of God
Fall 2004
Westmont College
Patristic Theology
Fall 2004
Fuller Seminary
Ancient and Medieval Christianity
Summer 2003
Westmont College
Judaism and Islam
Summer 2003
Westmont College
Contemporary Christian Thought
Spring 2003
Azusa Pacific University
Church History
Fall 2002, Spring 2003
Azusa Pacific University
Theology and Christian Life
Fall 2002, Spring 2003
Azusa Pacific University
The World in Christian Perspective
Fall 2002
Azusa Pacific University
Christian Worship
Spring 2002
Westmont College
Reformation Christianity
Fall 2001
Westmont College
History and Theory of Religion
Spring 2001
Westmont College
History of Christian Confession
Spring 2000
Westmont College