Missional Theology, Day Two
Lviv Theological Seminary
3 December 2015
Telford Work, LCC International University / Westmont College
- Mission Equipped: Humanity "in God's Image"
Humanity, uniquely chosen for God's purpose, enjoys unique relationships with
- God, each other, the rest of creation, and ourselves (Abraham Kuyper).
Humanity is gifted with unique personal, social, and official faculties for the task.
- Jesus Christ displays the fulfillment and determinative meaning of imago dei
- (Rom 5:12-21, 1 Cor 15:49, Eph 4:22-24, Col 3:10, Barth), (Col 1:15, Heb 1:3)
as the bringer of the Kingdom of God, and the autobasilea ("the Kingdom in person"):
- In his official capacities,
- his redeeming power displays royal authority (over creation)
that realizes lordship in hope,
loving God and neighbor with all his strength (Luke 10:27),
casting out the Ruler of This World,
perfected in his ascension as King of all kings.
- In his social faculties,
- his justice (relationship with one another)
is covenantal righteousness (grace, love, humility) that cultivates others,
loving God and neighbor with all his heart,
replenishing relationships with his costly grace,
perfected in his intercession as heavenly high priest and giver of the Holy Spirit.
- In his personal faculties,
- his character manifests God's holiness in personal particularity,
loving God and neighbor with all his mind;
- and his integrity (self-relationship)
- is peace, insight, and honesty,
loving God and neighbor with all his soul or self,
illuminating us with the light of his truth,
perfected in his risen and soon-appearing glory.
- Church: The 'Gathering Gathering'
The community of disciples is Jesus' top priority during his earthly ministry.
So 'the Church' (ekklêsia) calls for theological interpretation, discernment, respect:
- ekklêsia means assembly, gathering, reunion.
Israel assembles as ekklêsia (1 Kings 8:14).
Israel is scattered among the nations (2 Kings 25).
Israel's regathering is prophesied and begun in the OT (Jer 3:14-17, 2 Chron 36:22-23).
Jesus' work transforms and fulfills Israel's regathering (Romans 9-11, 1 Pet 1:1, Eph 1:22-23).
- The church, both universal and local, is
- Jesus' primary earthly sign of the Kingdom's reality,
a "hermeneutic of the gospel" (so Lesslie Newbigin),
commissioned by Jesus and anointed by his Holy Spirit to invite the world into the Father's growing fellowship,
enjoying, acknowledging, exploring, and pursuing the Kingdom (rather than 'bringing it').
- What gathers the Church? surviving ecclesiologies include:
- Jesus, through ...
apostolic succession (according to Orthodox/Catholics)
the Word of God (according to Protestants)
the Holy Spirit's presence and power (according to Pentecostals).
- What doesn't gather the Church? Rejected ecclesiologies include:
- Markers of being a cultural insider (according to the circumcision party: cf. Acts 11:2, Gal 2:12-14).
Good behavior (according to moralists: cf. James 2:18-26, Matt 7:21-23).
Mastery of "secret knowledge" of an elite (according to Gnostics: cf. Acts 8:18-24).
Character or moral purity of leaders (according to Donatists: cf. 1 John 2:18-20; Rev 2-3).
Gatherers so their needs and interests are met (according to social clubs and mystery religions; cf. Acts 17:16-21).