


Reading (complete before class)

(student respondents: for background, take a look at the linked readings, but don't worry if they are too complicated or over your head)

8/28 Overview; read Obadiah

Syllabus; skim Moodle page; read Paul Graham, "The Lesson to Unlearn"; watch Bible Project "Obadiah"

8/30 Redemptive Story watch Bible Project (BP) "Habbakuk", read Old Testament (OT) Habbakuk, watch Richter "The Great Cultural Barrier" (linked from Moodle) and read Richter ch 1a

BP Ecclesiastes, OT Ecclesiastes 1-5, 12, Richter "Redemption" (Moodle) and ch 1b

9/4 Creation, Humanity OT Genesis 1-2, Richter "Real Time and Space" and ch 2
9/6 Sin OT Gen 3-9, BP Genesis 1-11
9/8 Covenant Richter "Covenant" and ch 3
9/11 Abraham OT Gen 11-15, Gen 16-17, 21-23; BP Gen 12-50
9/13 Isaac, Jacob; Intent OT Gen 24, 27-29, 32-33, Richter "God's Original Intent" and ch 4
9/15 Joseph, Egypt

OT Gen 37, 39-45, 50, Exodus 1-7, BP Character

9/18 Exodus BP Exodus 1-18, OT Ex 12-24, Richter "Treaty"
9/20 Moses; Goal OT Ex 32, 40, BP Leviticus, OT Lev 1, 5, 8, Richter "God's Final Intent" and ch 5
9/22 Midterm 1, on Gen, Ex, Richter chs 1-5
9/25 Rules; Noah, Abraham OT Lev 11, 16-17, 25, Richter "Noah" and "Abraham" and ch 6
9/27 Wilderness BP Numbers, OT Num 13-14, 20, 27, 35-36, BP Setting
9/29 Moses and Tabernacle Richter "Moses" and ch 7
10/2 Blueprint BP Deuteronomy, OT Deut 4-6, 12, 30-31, 34
10/4 Conquest BP Joshua, OT Josh 1-8, 24
10/6 Frontier BP Judges, OT Judges 1-7, BP Plot
10/9 Decline; Loyalty Judg 13-16, BP + OT Ruth
10/11 Samuel BP 1 Samuel, OT 1 Sam 1-10, 12-13, 15
10/13 Saul OT 1 Sam 16-18, 25-26, 28, 31, BP Design Patterns
10/16 David BP 2 Samuel, OT 2 Sam 5-7, 11-13, 15, 18
10/18 Connections BP Biblical Law
10/20 Midterm 2 on Lev through 2 Sam, Richter chs 6-7
10/23 Psalms BP Psalms, OT Ps 1-3, 16, 19, 22-23, 30, 34
10/25 Psalms continued BP Poetry, OT Ps 45, 51, 74, 81, 91, 98, 100, 110, 121-122


David's House: Solomon BP Kings, OT 1 Kings 3, 5, 8-11, Richter "David" and ch 8 (plus refresh Ecclesiastes 1-5 and 12)
11/6 Conventional Wisdom BP Proverbs, OT Prov 1-4, 8, 10-11, 30-31
11/8 Unconventional Wisdom BP Song of Songs, OT Song 1-3, BP Job, OT Job 1-6, 38-42
11/10 Northern Kingdom OT 1 Kings 11-12, 16-21, 2 Kings 2, 4-5; optional: BP Amos
11/13 Northern Prophets 1 OT 2 Kings 17-19, BP Hosea, OT Hos 1-6; optional: BP Nahum
11/15 Northern Prophets 2

BP + OT Jonah; BP Prophets

11/17 From North to South BP + OT Micah
11/20 Isaiah pt 1

BP Isaiah 1-39, OT Isa 6-7, 9, 11, 24-27

11/22 Southern Kingdom OT 2 Kings 21-25, BP Zephaniah; optional: BP Haggai
11/24 Isaiah pts 2 and 3 BP Isaiah 40-66, OT Isa 40, 52-53, 60-61, 65-66
11/27 New Covenant

BP + OT Joel; Richter "New Covenant" and ch 9

11/29 Jeremiah BP Jeremiah, OT Jer 1-3, Jer 31, 50-51; optional: BP Lamentations
12/1 After Exile BP Ezekiel 1-33, BP Ezekiel 34-48, OT Ezek 36-37, BP Ezra-Nehemiah, OT Ezra 1, 3, 7, BP Zechariah
12/4 Apocalyptic BP Daniel, OT Dan 1-7
12/6 Rebuilding OT Nehemiah 1-2, 8, 13, BP Malachi, OT Mal 3-4
12/8 Back and Ahead

BP Chronicles, BP Esther, Esther 1–9

12/9 Report on conversations about OT texts due on Moodle

Final exam, 5:30pm, Defehr 103

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