Do-and-Tell Report
In the 'look ahead' section of every DBS you are supposed to do something specific with what you learned from (God through?) the biblical passage you discussed, and to share something with someone specific: perhaps what you learned, or some other lesson, or your testimony, or even the good news or something you learned elsewhere in Doctrine. In this assignment, keep a record reporting on the results.
Before you begin, create the file in which all of your work will go, if possible on the cloud. Make sure it's regularly backed up! Then, in that file, add at least seven entries along these lines:
In a paragraph, name what you learned from the passage, what you said you'd do, what you did, and what resulted (if you know). If that relates to something about Christian doctrine you learned from lectures, books, discussion, etc., say how.
In a paragraph, name what you learned from the passage, what you said you'd share, what you did share, and what resulted (if you know). If that relates to something about Christian doctrine you learned from lectures, books, discussion, etc., say how.
To keep you from overlooking elements of these, I suggest something like a table:
date | Bible passage(s) | I learned … | I did, or I shared … | what resulted was ... |
Near the due date, conclude your report with the following assessment, and submit it:
What cumulative effect did obedience and sharing have on your relationships: with God, others, the Bible, and/or yourself?