Duckling Report
In this course you've been encouraged to identify a guide ahead of you whom you're following and from whom you are learning, and someone behind you whom you're guiding and influencing. All three of you are 'ducklings' in a much longer line.
In this assignment, report on what you are learning from the duckling ahead of you and what you're passing on to one or more ducklings behind you, and what is resulting, especially as it relates to each of you growing as guides and to concepts in the course.
Before you begin, create the file in which all of your work will go, if possible on the cloud. Make sure it's regularly backed up! Then, in that file, add at least seven dated entries along these lines:
In a paragraph, what is something you learned from your guide that you could put to work in some specific way in your life and even pass on? How did it relate to something else you have learned in this course through lectures, readings, DBS, class discussion, or some other activity? If you took it to heart and/or passed it on, what happened as a result? Make sure you include all these elements.
In a paragraph, what concrete guidance did you offer your duckling for him or her to put to work in some specific way? How did it grow him or her as a leader of other ducklings? How did it relate to something else you have learned in this course? What happened as a result? Make sure you include all these elements.
Near the due date, conclude your report with the following assessment, and submit it on Canvas:
What cumulative effect did that guidance (from ahead of you, and behind you) have on each of the three of you, especially in each of you growing as guide-makers?