Prayer and Worship Analysis
The opening weeks of the semester focused on relationship with God with leading topics such as faith/hope/love, knowledge, prayer, intimacy, grace, fellowship, God's initiative in self-revelation, mission to free and equip people. The story and doctrines of God's engagement with creation demonstrate God's relationality as well as ours. Two fundamental aspects of our relationship with God are prayer and worship. In this assignment you record your prayer and worship and reflect theologically on them.
Before you begin, create the file in which all of your work will go, if possible on the cloud. Make sure it's regularly backed up! Then, in that file, add at least seven entries along these lines:
In a paragraph, name an insight you gained while praying, worshipping, or reflecting afterwards that relates to aspects of Christian doctrine you learned from lectures, books, discussion, other sources such as your church tradition or others, etc. How does each illuminate the other? I encourage you to go into pertinent detail: for instance, what you prayed (insofar as it's appropriate to say), lyrics you sang, written prayers, psalms, or hymns, actions, images, worship settings, and the like.
Near the due date, conclude your report with the following assessment, and submit it:
What cumulative effect did prayer and worship have — for instance, on your relationships with God, others, the Bible, and/or yourself? What major theme in Christian doctrine lectures, The Father Glorified, or Walk through the Bible does it illuminate, and how?