Kaweah range, High Sierra 

Theology / Senior Seminar Spring 2025 Schedule


before class, in order

in class / sailing skills

Movement in the Bible

Jan 6

  shape of the course

Jan 8

read Paul Graham, "The Lesson to Unlearn": What lessons might you need to unlearn so not to miss out on education’s truer benefits?

read the syllabus, especially course, policies, and tasks: put dates on your planner

read Roy Moran, Spent Matches ch 1 (Canvas) and 24:14 ch 21 "Brutal Facts": Do you resonate? why or why not?

listen to Newbigin "Bible Overview" part one (OT) (40 min): What are the "brutal facts" at the end of the OT era?

unlearn; organize

Jan 10

watch "Ordinary People" with someone not in the course (93 min): What roles do you assume 'ordinary people' play in Christ's body? What roles do pastors and other leaders play?

Zúme 1.4: spiritual breathing; college value paradox

Jan 13

squads watch Waha trailer and training course week one introductory video (budget 90 minutes)

read Addison What Jesus Started "In the Beginning was Jesus" and ch 1

inhale a God-sized vision, and exhale it

Jan 15

read Addison chs 2-5

learn-and-tell: TW, and others?

Jan 17

read Addison ch 6 and interlude

listen to Newbigin "Bible Overview" part two (NT) (48 min)

Zúme 1.5: SOAPS Bible study

Jan 21

read Addison chs 7-10

learn-and-tell: we will keep doing these

Jan 22

read Addison chs 11-12 and interlude

squads watch Waha training week two: how to start discovery groups; practice with Deuteronomy 6:4-9 (budget 90 minutes)

preview church circle?

Jan 24

read Addison chs 13-16

shema lifestyle; abiding

Jan 27

read Addison chs 17-18

squads watch Waha training week three: be hearers and doers of the Word (budget 60 minutes for each of the rest of these)

take on a regular SOAPS/Bible study dscipline

Jan 29

read Addison chs 19-25

preview four fields?

Movement in Church History

Jan 31

read Addison Movements "Patrick" and introduction

watch this video on movement principles and movements in Europe

Zúme 2.2: prayer cycle

Feb 3

read Addison Movements ch 1

squads watch Waha training week four: multiply prayer

take on a prayer regimen: prayer cycle and/or calendar?

Feb 5

read Addison ch 2

five-fingers people

Feb 7

read Addison ch 3

paper due integrating OT/NT courses and What Jesus Started (revision due a week from now)

Zúme 4.1: three-minute testimony

Feb 10

read Addison ch 4

squads watch Waha training week five: engage the lost (far from God)

Zúme 5.3 BLESS prayer

Feb 12

read Addison ch 5 and conclusion

identify/engage your five-fingers people

God's Moving Kingdom

Feb 14

read Trousdale and Sunshine Kingdom Unleashed ch 1

Zúme 5.1 prayer walking; UCSB prayer walk

practice over the long weekend

Feb 19

read Trousdale and Sunshine chs 2-3


Feb 21

read Trousdale and Sunshine ch 4

paper due integrating history and Movements that Change the World (revision due a week later)

three circles

Feb 24

read Trousdale and Sunshine chs 5-6


Feb 26

read Trousdale and Sunshine ch 7

revisit four fields

Feb 28

read Trousdale and Sunshine ch 8

squads watch Waha training week six: find people of peace

seek/test for people of peace

Mar 3

read Trousdale and Sunshine chs 9-10

reading stamina

Mar 5

read Trousdale and Sunshine chs 11-12


Mar 7

read Trousdale and Sunshine ch 13

squads watch Waha training week seven: help discovery groups start

start a discovery group for creation-to-Christ, seven journeys, or a topic

practice over spring break

Mar 17

read Trousdale and Sunshine chs 14-15


Mar 19

read Trousdale and Sunshine ch 16

read Roger Charles, "Many Small Victories"

church circle

Mar 21

read Trousdale and Sunshine chs 17-18


Movement in the Muslim World

Mar 24

read Trousdale Miraculous Movements about and intro

Zúme 7.1: training cycle

Mar 26

read Trousdale chs 1-2


Mar 28

read Trousdale ch 3

squads watch Waha training week eight: coach and multiply churches

MAWL some skills

Mar 31

read Trousdale chs 4-5


Apr 2

read Trousdale ch 6

Zúme 4.3: duckling discipleship

Apr 4

read Trousdale chs 7-8

optional additional-book-related paper due


Apr 7

read Trousdale ch 9

squads watch Waha training week nine: coach and multiply leaders

practice duckling-discipleship, especially in a DG network

Apr 9

read Trousdale chs 10-12

training continues

Movement in Legacy Churches

Apr 11

read Moran chs 2-3

paper on (missiology, world religion, and) Doctrine integrated with Trousdale's books


Apr 14

read Moran chs 4-5

God's kingdom and 'religious' identity?

Apr 16

read Moran ch 6-7

activity reports due

the Kingdom's story?

practice over Triduum

Apr 23

read Moran chs 8-9

ongoing coaching

finals week

squad oral exams; final take-home exam


Go and make and be disciples! Keep abiding, practicing, sharing what you know, and growing and multiplying grace and fruitfulness! Keep in touch, and contact me if I can help you launch.