A Strategy for Daily Bible Study
using a Bible and three paper clips
advice from a worker in the Middle East
This structure follows Ephesians 2:19–20 as a template: "built on the foundation of the apostles [NT] and prophets [OT] with Christ [Gospels] as the perfect cornerstone." So:
Week one: Read one chapter of the Gospels daily.
Jesus is the perfect standard, the 'cornerstone' against whom the rest is measured. The Gospels have 89 chapters, so you'll cycle through the Gospels about four times per year.
Week two: Add one chapter of the NT letters a day.
Start in Acts.
Week three: Add one chapter of the OT per day.
Start in Genesis.
Optional: add a Psalm to warm up.
Use paper if a device is too distracting.
Draw on an accountability group until the habit is set.
Have a journal for notes. Look for a SPECK:
sin to confess,
promise to hold onto,
example to follow or avoid,
command to obey, and/or
knowledge of God to take to heart.
'Five fingers' beats 'just studying' for retaining biblical knowledge:
Romans 10:13: hear.
Revelation 1:3: read.
Acts 17:11: study.
Joshua 1:8: meditate, obey.
Psalm 119:9-11: memorize.
The more fingers, the stronger one's grip, and harder to lose. It's good for these to become habitual too.
A SOAPS Bible study is another useful way to do more than just read:
scripture reading and re-reading,
observations on the passage,
application to obey in one's own life,
prayer of thanks or resolve for what you learned, and
sharing with someone who needs to hear something you learned.