New Testament fall 2024: Schedule
Date |
Before Class: Bible and Secondary Sources |
Before Class: Online Lecture |
Aug 26 | (in class) Syllabus, course, vision, tasks | (in class, live) The Shape of the Course |
General (or 'Catholic') Letters, and the Bible as Canon |
Aug 28 | in order: read Holy Bible (HB) Jude, then answer Close Reading Exercise questions 1A-G; then read Africa Bible Commentary "Jude" (on Canvas), watch Bible Project (BP) video on Jude, read Powell (P) "Jude" (skim as helpful), and watch the videos to the right; then return to the exercise for questions 1H and 2-4 read Graham, "The Lesson to Unlearn", P "New Testament Letters", Addison ch 1 |
Jude: Becoming a Reader (in class, live) NT High-Value Targets |
Aug 30 | either watch BP "Old Testament Overview" or read Newbigin Walk through the Bible chs 1-3; read Addison chs 2-3 regardless | |
Sep 2 | Addison chs 4–6 and interlude; either BP "New Testament Overview" or Newbigin ch 4 |
Living in the Apocalypse: New Testament Perspective I-II III Watch this video on prayer |
(if not done already in class) DBS of 1 Peter 1:3–9, then: 1 Peter: BP, HB, P (all but "Overview") |
1 Peter: Christians on Display I-II |
Sep 4 | SOAPS 2 Peter 3:10–16; 2 Peter: BP, HB, P "2 Peter: Historical Background", 1 Enoch 1-11 |
2 Peter: Holiness, Not Cheap Grace I |
Newbigin chs 5-6*, P "The New Testament Writings" | The Canon of Scripture III | |
Sep 6 | SOAPS James 1:19–26; James: BP, HB, P, P "New Testament Letters", Addison ch 7 | James: Jesus Works I-IV V |
Sep 9 | DBS (in a group with classmates and/or others) Revelation 11:15–18; BP "Revelation" pt 1, P "Revelation" intro, "What Sort of Book Is This?", "How Is This Book to be Read?", HB Rev 1–11 | Revelation: Hope Envisioned I II III |
Sep 11 | SOAPS Revelation 21:1–14; BP "Revelation" pt 2, P "Revelation: Historical Setting", HB Rev 12–22, Koester pp 1-18 (Canvas) | Revelation: Hope Envisioned IV V |
Sep 13 | Addison chs 8–9 | The Canon of Scripture IV V |
Sep 14 | Close reading of a passage of Revelation due (if you choose this assignment from the options; see Tasks) | |
Sep 16 | SOAPS Jeremiah 31:31–34; Hebrews: BP, HB, P (all, but skim "Overview" and "Historical Background") | Hebrews: Christ Is Better I II III-IV |
Sep 18 | DBS Hebrews 10:12–27; then read Genesis 14:17–20, Psalm 110, Psalm 95:7–11, then Addison ch 10 | Waha training videos: "What Is the Disciple Making Course?" and "How Anyone Can Make Disciples that Multiply" |
Newbigin chs 7-8* | The Canon of Scripture VI-VII | |
Acts, and Paul |
Sep 20 | SOAPS Acts 2:36–47; Acts: BP Acts 1–12 (optionally color videos on 1–7 and 8–12), HB chs 1-13 only, Addison chs 11-12 | Acts: Life after Jesus I II III IV |
Sep 23 | BP Acts 13–28 (optionally color videos on 13–20 and 21–28), HB Acts 13-28, P, Addison interlude | Acts: Life after Jesus V |
Sep 25 | P "Paul", Addison chs 13–14 | Paul and his Churches: Frontier Faith I-II III IV-V |
The Canon of Scripture: How Do We Relate to the Bible? VIII Watch this video on compassion and persons of peace |
Sep 27 | DBS 1 Thessalonians 1:1–10; 1 Thess: BP, HB, P, Addison ch 15 | 1 Thessalonians: Looking Forward I II |
Sep 30 | SOAPS 2 Thessalonians 2:9–3:8; 2 Thess: BP, HB, P, Addison ch 16 | 2 Thessalonians: Looking Forward III |
Oct 2 | Midterm on everything we covered before Acts | |
Oct 4 | DBS Galatians 5:16–25; Gal: BP, HB, P; listen to Sho Baraka's "Justified" | Galatians: Depth Gospel I-II |
Oct 7 | SOAPS 1 Corinthians 1:17–31; 1 Cor: BP, HB 1–8, P intro, "Historical Background" | 1 Corinthians: Ethics at the Ends of the Ages I II.1 |
Oct 9 | SOAPS 1 Corinthians 15:20, 35–53; 1 Cor: P "Major Themes," "Some Practical Matters,","Conclusion," HB 9–16 | 1 Corinthians: Ethics at the Ends of the Ages II.2 II.3 III.1 III.2 |
Oct 11 | DBS 2 Corinthians 5:20–6:13; 2 Cor: BP, HB, P | 2 Corinthians: The Sequel(s) I (optional) II III |
Oct 16 | P "The Pastoral Letters" | (optional) The Pastoral Letters: The Gospel as Legacy I.1 I.2 |
SOAPS Titus 2:11–15; 1 Timothy: BP, HB; Titus: BP, HB | 1 Timothy, Titus: The Gospel as Legacy II III | |
Exercise on a passage in 1 or 2 Corinthians due | ||
Oct 18 | DBS Romans 8:8–17; Rom: BP, HB 1–8, P, HB 1–8 again, lecture, HB 1–8 again | Romans: Reconciled Life I II.1 |
Oct 19 | Exercise on the Bible in life due | |
Oct 21 | HB chs 9–16, lecture, HB 9–16 again, pray/meditate, HB 9–16 again | Romans: Reconciled Life II.2 III-IV |
Oct 23 | SOAPS Philippians 1:27–2:3; Phil: BP, HB, P, Addison ch 17 | Philippians: Complete Gospel I-II |
Oct 24 | Report on the NT in prayer, worship, and reflection due | |
Oct 25 | DBS 2 Timothy 2:1–15; 2 Tim: BP, HB; South Asia Bible Commentary "2 Timothy" (Canvas) | 2 Timothy: The Gospel as Legacy IV |
Oct 26 | Exercise on Old Testament in the New due | |
Oct 28 | DBS Colossians 3:3–17; Col: BP, HB, P; Philemon: BP, HB, P | Colossians and Philemon: The Gospel as Everything I II |
Oct 30 | (note unusual order) Ephesians: BP, HB (read 1–3 three times, then 4–6 three times); SOAPS Eph 2:1–10; P; Addison ch 18 | Ephesians: The Gospel as Everything III |
(optional, esp. for social science majors) Colossians and Ephesians: The Gospel as Everything IV.1 IV.2 V | ||
Exercise Tracing Paul's Thinking in Romans due | ||
Nov 1 | Addison interlude and ch 19 | watch this video on "How St. Paul Changed the World" |
Nov 4 | Midterm on Acts and Paul | |
The Gospels (and 1-3 John) |
Nov 6 | SOAPS Mark 1:9–20; P "Jesus", "The Gospels" | The Churches' Gospels I II |
Exercises on 13 Letters or powers in Ephesians, Philemon, and Colossians due | ||
Nov 8 | SOAPS Mark 8:27–9:1; Keener "The Reliability of the Gospels" | The Churches' Gospels III-IV V |
Nov 9 | Do-and-Tell report due | |
Nov 11 | DBS student selection: Mark 4:1–9 and 4:14–20 (12:45) / Mark 3:22–30 (2:00); Mark: BP, HB through at least Mark 10; Addison ch 20 | Mark: The Mysterious Messiah |
New Discovery Group report due | ||
Nov 13 | SOAPS Mark 15:24–41 and 15:46–16:8; Mark: P, HB through Mark 16:8 | |
Nov 15 | DBS: either Matthew 4:1–11, or 4:1 and 4:8–11 (12:45 and 2:00); Matt: BP, HB through at least Matt 15; Addison ch 21 | Matthew: Israel's Messiah I.1 II |
Nov 16 | Stereoscopic Bible log due | |
Nov 18 | SOAPS student selection: Matt 18:21–35 (12:45) / Matt 6:25–34 (2:00); Matt: P, HB through Matthew 28 | Matthew: Israel's Messiah I.2 III |
Report on the book you're reading due; extensions available for books about the gospels | ||
Nov 20 | DBS student selection: Luke 1:39–56 (12:45) / Luke 6:43–49 (2:00); BP Luke 1–9a, HB through at least Luke 9:50; Addison ch 22 | Luke: Everyone's Messiah |
Ducklings' Bible discussion report due | ||
Nov 22 | DBS student selection: Luke 10:25–37 (12:45) / Luke 10:1–12 (2:00); BP Luke 9b–24, Luke: HB through Luke 19:27; Addison ch 23 | Luke: Everyone's Messiah |
Nov 25 | SOAPS student selection: Luke 23:26–43 (12:45) / Luke 22:39–42 (2:00); Luke: P; Addison chs 24-25 | Luke: Everyone's Messiah |
Exercise on a passage in a synoptic gospel due | ||
Dec 2 | DBS student selection: John 6:25–34 and 51–66 (12:45) / John 3:22–36 (2:00); John: BP, HB through John 12 | |
Exercise on the Bible's character and canonicity due | ||
Dec 4 | SOAPS student selection: John 15:12–21 (12:45) / John 14:6–14 (2:00); John: HB through John 21, P | John: Creation's Messiah |
Dec 6 | SOAPS student selection: 1 John 3:11–24 (12:45) / 1 John 2:3–14 (2:00); HB: 3 John, 2 John; BP 1–3 John, HB 1 John, P "The Johannine Letters" | 1-3 John: The Real Messiah I II III IV |
finals week | 12:45 final: Dec 12 noon 2:00 final: Dec 13 noon |