Negev Highlands, Israel 

New Testament fall 2024: Schedule

Before Class: Bible and Secondary Sources
Before Class: Online Lecture
Aug 26 (in class) Syllabus, course, vision, tasks (in class, live) The Shape of the Course
General (or 'Catholic') Letters, and the Bible as Canon
Aug 28

in order: read Holy Bible (HB) Jude, then answer Close Reading Exercise questions 1A-G; then read Africa Bible Commentary "Jude" (on Canvas), watch Bible Project (BP) video on Jude, read Powell (P) "Jude" (skim as helpful), and watch the videos to the right; then return to the exercise for questions 1H and 2-4

read Graham, "The Lesson to Unlearn", P "New Testament Letters", Addison ch 1

Jude: Becoming a Reader
I-IV V-VI (YouTube playlist here)

(in class, live) NT High-Value Targets

Aug 30 either watch BP "Old Testament Overview" or read Newbigin Walk through the Bible chs 1-3; read Addison chs 2-3 regardless

The Canon of Scripture I II

Sep 2

Addison chs 4–6 and interlude; either BP "New Testament Overview" or Newbigin ch 4

Living in the Apocalypse: New Testament Perspective I-II III

Watch this video on prayer

(if not done already in class) DBS of 1 Peter 1:3–9, then:
1 Peter: BP, HB, P (all but "Overview")
1 Peter: Christians on Display I-II
Sep 4 SOAPS 2 Peter 3:10–16;
2 Peter: BP, HB, P "2 Peter: Historical Background", 1 Enoch 1-11
2 Peter: Holiness, Not Cheap Grace I
Newbigin chs 5-6*, P "The New Testament Writings" The Canon of Scripture III
Sep 6 SOAPS James 1:19–26; James: BP, HB, P, P "New Testament Letters", Addison ch 7

James: Jesus Works I-IV V

Watch one or both of these videos on disciple-making

Sep 9 DBS (in a group with classmates and/or others) Revelation 11:15–18; BP "Revelation" pt 1, P "Revelation" intro, "What Sort of Book Is This?", "How Is This Book to be Read?", HB Rev 1–11 Revelation: Hope Envisioned I II III
Sep 11 SOAPS Revelation 21:1–14; BP "Revelation" pt 2, P "Revelation: Historical Setting", HB Rev 12–22, Koester pp 1-18 (Canvas) Revelation: Hope Envisioned IV V
Sep 13 Addison chs 8–9 The Canon of Scripture IV V
Sep 14 Close reading of a passage of Revelation due (if you choose this assignment from the options; see Tasks)
Sep 16 SOAPS Jeremiah 31:31–34; Hebrews: BP, HB, P (all, but skim "Overview" and "Historical Background") Hebrews: Christ Is Better I II III-IV
Sep 18 DBS Hebrews 10:12–27; then read Genesis 14:17–20, Psalm 110, Psalm 95:7–11, then Addison ch 10 Waha training videos: "What Is the Disciple Making Course?" and "How Anyone Can Make Disciples that Multiply"
Newbigin chs 7-8* The Canon of Scripture VI-VII
Acts, and Paul
Sep 20 SOAPS Acts 2:36–47; Acts: BP Acts 1–12 (optionally color videos on 1–7 and 8–12), HB chs 1-13 only, Addison chs 11-12 Acts: Life after Jesus I II III IV
Sep 23 BP Acts 13–28 (optionally color videos on 13–20 and 21–28), HB Acts 13-28, P, Addison interlude Acts: Life after Jesus V
Sep 25 P "Paul", Addison chs 13–14 Paul and his Churches: Frontier Faith I-II III IV-V

The Canon of Scripture: How Do We Relate to the Bible? VIII

Watch this video on compassion and persons of peace

Sep 27 DBS 1 Thessalonians 1:1–10; 1 Thess: BP, HB, P, Addison ch 15 1 Thessalonians: Looking Forward I II
Sep 30 SOAPS 2 Thessalonians 2:9–3:8; 2 Thess: BP, HB, P, Addison ch 16 2 Thessalonians: Looking Forward III
Oct 2 Midterm on everything we covered before Acts
Oct 4 DBS Galatians 5:16–25; Gal: BP, HB, P; listen to Sho Baraka's "Justified" Galatians: Depth Gospel I-II
Oct 7 SOAPS 1 Corinthians 1:17–31; 1 Cor: BP, HB 1–8, P intro, "Historical Background" 1 Corinthians: Ethics at the Ends of the Ages I II.1
Oct 9 SOAPS 1 Corinthians 15:20, 35–53; 1 Cor: P "Major Themes," "Some Practical Matters,","Conclusion," HB 9–16 1 Corinthians: Ethics at the Ends of the Ages II.2 II.3 III.1 III.2
Oct 11 DBS 2 Corinthians 5:20–6:13; 2 Cor: BP, HB, P 2 Corinthians: The Sequel(s) I (optional) II III
Oct 16 P "The Pastoral Letters" (optional) The Pastoral Letters: The Gospel as Legacy I.1 I.2
SOAPS Titus 2:11–15; 1 Timothy: BP, HB; Titus: BP, HB 1 Timothy, Titus: The Gospel as Legacy II III
  Exercise on a passage in 1 or 2 Corinthians due
Oct 18 DBS Romans 8:8–17; Rom: BP, HB 1–8, P, HB 1–8 again, lecture, HB 1–8 again Romans: Reconciled Life I II.1
Oct 19 Exercise on the Bible in life due
Oct 21 HB chs 9–16, lecture, HB 9–16 again, pray/meditate, HB 9–16 again Romans: Reconciled Life II.2 III-IV
Oct 23 SOAPS Philippians 1:27–2:3; Phil: BP, HB, P, Addison ch 17 Philippians: Complete Gospel I-II
Oct 24 Report on the NT in prayer, worship, and reflection due
Oct 25 DBS 2 Timothy 2:1–15; 2 Tim: BP, HB; South Asia Bible Commentary "2 Timothy" (Canvas) 2 Timothy: The Gospel as Legacy IV
Oct 26 Exercise on Old Testament in the New due  
Oct 28 DBS Colossians 3:3–17; Col: BP, HB, P; Philemon: BP, HB, P Colossians and Philemon: The Gospel as Everything I II
Oct 30 (note unusual order) Ephesians: BP, HB (read 1–3 three times, then 4–6 three times); SOAPS Eph 2:1–10; P; Addison ch 18 Ephesians: The Gospel as Everything III
    (optional, esp. for social science majors) Colossians and Ephesians: The Gospel as Everything IV.1 IV.2 V
  Exercise Tracing Paul's Thinking in Romans due
Nov 1 Addison interlude and ch 19 watch this video on "How St. Paul Changed the World"
Nov 4 Midterm on Acts and Paul
The Gospels (and 1-3 John)
Nov 6 SOAPS Mark 1:9–20; P "Jesus", "The Gospels" The Churches' Gospels I II
  Exercises on 13 Letters or powers in Ephesians, Philemon, and Colossians due
Nov 8 SOAPS Mark 8:27–9:1; Keener "The Reliability of the Gospels" The Churches' Gospels III-IV V
Nov 9 Do-and-Tell report due
Nov 11 DBS student selection: Mark 4:1–9 and 4:14–20 (12:45) / Mark 3:22–30 (2:00); Mark: BP, HB through at least Mark 10; Addison ch 20

Mark: The Mysterious Messiah
I-II.1 II.2 II.3

  New Discovery Group report due
Nov 13 SOAPS Mark 15:24–41 and 15:46–16:8; Mark: P, HB through Mark 16:8

Mark: The Mysterious Messiah

Nov 15 DBS: either Matthew 4:1–11, or 4:1 and 4:8–11 (12:45 and 2:00); Matt: BP, HB through at least Matt 15; Addison ch 21

Matthew: Israel's Messiah I.1 II

Nov 16 Stereoscopic Bible log due
Nov 18 SOAPS student selection: Matt 18:21–35 (12:45) / Matt 6:25–34 (2:00); Matt: P, HB through Matthew 28

Matthew: Israel's Messiah I.2 III

  Report on the book you're reading due; extensions available for books about the gospels
Nov 20 DBS student selection: Luke 1:39–56 (12:45) / Luke 6:43–49 (2:00); BP Luke 1–9a, HB through at least Luke 9:50; Addison ch 22

Luke: Everyone's Messiah
I II.1

  Ducklings' Bible discussion report due
Nov 22 DBS student selection: Luke 10:25–37 (12:45) / Luke 10:1–12 (2:00); BP Luke 9b–24, Luke: HB through Luke 19:27; Addison ch 23

Luke: Everyone's Messiah
II.2 II.3

Nov 25 SOAPS student selection: Luke 23:26–43 (12:45) / Luke 22:39–42 (2:00); Luke: P; Addison chs 24-25

Luke: Everyone's Messiah

  Exercise on a passage in a synoptic gospel due
Dec 2 DBS student selection: John 6:25–34 and 51–66 (12:45) / John 3:22–36 (2:00); John: BP, HB through John 12

John: Creation's Messiah

  Exercise on the Bible's character and canonicity due
Dec 4 SOAPS student selection: John 15:12–21 (12:45) / John 14:6–14 (2:00); John: HB through John 21, P

John: Creation's Messiah
V.1 V.2

Dec 6 SOAPS student selection: 1 John 3:11–24 (12:45) / 1 John 2:3–14 (2:00); HB: 3 John, 2 John; BP 1–3 John, HB 1 John, P "The Johannine Letters" 1-3 John: The Real Messiah I II III IV
finals week 12:45 final: Dec 12 noon
2:00 final: Dec 13 noon