
Office hour appointment. I would like to meet with each of you some time during our week together. This is an opportunity for you and me to get to know each other better, address concerns, help you tailor the course to your particular interests and needs, and get direct feedback on your work.

Active attendance. You will attend class sessions and group meetings and participate in discussions. Our subject is best understood when lived and discussed, not just when heard and read. I don't take roll or require that you speak in class. However, I do reserve 10% of your grade for demonstrated thoughtfulness in and out of class, in whatever forms it may take for you (including appointments). Policies as given in the EGST Policy and Programme Handbook will be rigorously followed.

In-class presentations. First, reading a one-page single-spaced written presentation, each student will lead one seminar discussion of that hour's reading. Second, each student will also lead the exploration of one ethical issue. Presenters may want to consult my list of pointers for presentations.

Written exercises. Two written exercises (not formal papers) are specified in the syllabus.

Test. On the last day of class, we will have a test on basic terms, concepts, and teachings from lectures, readings, and exercises in the course.

Therefore your total grade is calculated as follows:

Course participation 10%
In-class seminar presentation 15%
In-class treatment of ethical issue 20%
First written exercise 15%
Test 20%
Final written exercise 20%

Late work. Work that is late will be penalized unless I have excused it. If more than a week late, you may just want to move on rather than getting bogged down.

Students are expected to consistently conduct themselves in ways that display all the Christian virtues, especially honesty, integrity and respect for others. Plagiarism or any other method of claiming another’s work as one’s own will be dealt with severely according to academic policies detailed in the EGST Policy and Programme Handbook.

Rules of the Game
A Few (Strong) Suggestions on Essay Writing
Pointers for Presentations
Peer Review Guidelines
Review Form (PDF)