Date |
Topic-Rationale | Before Class | In Class |
After Class |
DNA | ||||
1/8 | Our course is shaped around a unique God. |
read Paul Graham, "The Lesson to Unlearn": What lessons might you need to unlearn, now or later? watch "Faithfulness over Knowledge": Where (if at all) does this video's thesis challenge your own assumptions not just about specifically Christian learning and doing, but learning and doing in general? |
1/10 | Doctrine's heart is the fruiitful understanding of God's grace in truth. | read The Father Glorified pp 11-12 and ch 1 "Prayer" watch DBS guide |
process assigned material; DBS on Col 1:1–14 |
'do and tell' identify common key words in both The Father Glorified chapter and the Col passage pray (or meditate) through the Col passage, applying it to your circumstances read 1 Cor 12:31–14:1 |
1/12 | Doctrine's proper source is God's work and self-revelation, witnessed and received in growing faith, firmer hope, and sacrificial love. | read Jer 31:23–34, Isa 54:11–14 and John 6:41–47, John 1:35–51, John 14:5–26, 2 Cor 3:2–4:2 | announcements: tasks, class rhythm process assigned material; DBS on Luke 9:37–42 |
'do and tell' watch (don't "study") Love, Hope, Faith I II III.1 III.2 IV.1 IV.2-V (from YouTube playlist) read 1 Thess 1: How does Paul see faith, hope, and love in the Thessalonians' behaviors? In other words, what do these traits look like in Thessalonica? complete self-report by Tuesday class |
1/16 | 'Biblical' knowledge means intimacy with God. | watch James K.A. Smith "You Are What You Love" (start at 10:00) read Deut 6:1–15: What are some ways God's people are to expess their love for God? What do they have to do with God's expressions of love for them? |
discern how faithful the secondary sources (lecture, Smith) were to the biblical passages | believers: pursue intimacy with God; others: investigate believers' intimacy read Moran "The Seven Journeys" in Spent Matches ch 7 (Canvas) |
1/17 | Intimacy brings and calls for unity in God. | read The Insanity of God ch 21 (Canvas) read Ex 5:1–6:1: Why does God put up with the oppression of God's own chosen people? |
DBS: Mark 8:27–9:1 consider a 'journey' for you to take with others in and/or out of the class |
'do and tell' ask two people who God is and how they know; how do their answers compare with biblical ones so far? truly optional (that is, halt any time, or don't even start): watch (don't "study") The Way(s) of Salvation I II III.1 III.2 IV.1 IV.2-V |
1/19 | Doctrine's primary setting is God's inclusive fellowship. | Watch "Love One Another" (93 minutes) along with people not in our class |
Acts 2:38–47, church circle? |
identify one or more of the mentors whose 'duckling' you have been complete self-report by Monday class |
1/22 | God is uniquely powerful. | glance at Gordon Baines, "DBS in a Nutshell" Mark 9:14–29? 1 Cor 12:1–13? read The Father Glorified ch 2 "Miracles" |
discern secondary sources |
read 1 Cor 1:18–2:9: How does Paul see God's power comparing to ordinary power? How might his own experience have informed his perspective? find a testimony of God's power from someone you know, and discern what it suggests or teaches |
1/24 | Doctrine's Lord is a different kind of God. | read Ex 3:1–15, Deut 4:14-20, Jer 10:1–16 read A Walk through the Bible ch 1 "A Unique Account" |
reflect on sources |
DBS on Acts 17:22–34 'do and tell' read Ex 19:20-20:6 read Grenz pp 36–39 |
1/26 | God is hidden and revealed. | consider (don't study) The Otherness of God I II III IV.1 IV.2 V |
discern secondary sources | pray or contemplate |
1/29 | God makes disciple-makers. | read The Father Glorified ch 3 "Dreams and Visions" read A Walk through the Bible ch 2 "Chosen by God" read Gen 12:1–9, 15:1–21 DBS: Isa 6:1–8, Matt 4:17–22 |
discern secondary sources five fingers exercise |
'do and tell' read about dreams in the Bible begin identifying a duckling to mentor |
1/31 | God initiates, but how and why? | watch (don't 'study') Predestination: History, Legacies, and Prospects I II III.1 III.2-IV |
discern | 'do and tell' |
2/2 | God is merciful and compassionate. | read The Father Glorified ch 4 "Moved with Compassion" read Ex 34:1–10 read A Walk through the Bible ch 3, "Judges, Kings, and Prophets" |
Matt 4:23–5:16 identifying needs |
begin teaching your duckling how to mentor read Grenz pp 230–250 ("Participating in the Pioneer Community," minus the last few summary pages) |
2/5 | God speaks and acts through prophets. |
consider Jesus Saves, But How? Intro I-II and The Prophetic Office V.1 V.2 V.3 V.4 V.5-VI |
assignment TBD for on your own (Canvas) | |
2/7 | God reigns above principalities and powers. | DBS: Luke 8:26–39 read The Father Glorified ch 5 "Spiritual Warfare" read Ps 82 read A Walk through the Bible ch 4, "Return and Renewal" |
apocalyptic worldview |
'do and tell' |
2/9 | God's kingdom comes to acknowledge his reign as 'king of kings.' | consider Jesus Saves, But How? The Royal Office IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 consider The Wholeness of the Church I-II III IV-V |
discern | complete self-report by Monday class |
2/12 | God's attributes | read The Father Glorified ch 6 "Authority of Scripture" DBS: Ps 145 |
why is the chapter entitled in terms of scripture? how are the Bible and God related? |
'do and tell' read 2 Tim 3:10–17 read Grenz pp 52–60 |
2/14 | doctrines of scripture | consider From Jesus to Scripture: How Christ Instituted the Bible I.1 I.2-II III IV-V | discern | |
2/16 | author and Lord of all things | read The Father Glorified ch 7 "Scripture Stories" read Gen 1:1–2:3 |
other course tasks DBS: Gen 2:4–25 |
'do and tell' read Ps 104, Grenz pp 60–65 |
2/21 | doctrines of creation; rivals as missional contexts | consider Creation as Trust I II III IV V-VI |
discern | read Ps 8, Grenz pp 68–85 |
2/23 |
God's human creatures | consider Humanity in God's Image I.1 I.2 II-III |
discern | read A Walk through the Bible ch 5, "God's Kingdom and Jesus" read Rom 5:10–21 |
2/26 | out of sin's maze | read The Father Glorified ch 8 "The Discovery Process" read Gen 3, Rom 3:9–26 |
express DBS on those passages |
read Luke 10:1–24 read Grenz pp 88–105 |
2/28 | consider What Is Sin? I II III IV V VI-VII |
3/1 | midterm | |||
3/4 | God's sent ones | read The Father Glorified ch 9 "The Great Commission" consider The Church as Mission I II III.1 III.2 read Matt 28:1–10 and 16–20, Acts 1:4–11, John 20:19–23, Rev 5:6–14, Rev 7:9–12, Rom 10:12–17 less important: IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 V |
discern; discuss concrete "do's" |
read Matt 10:19–11:1 skim Acts 16–18 if your groups are functioning well, think about beginning to start your own if you haven't already |
3/6 | the Son's invitation | read The Father Glorified ch 10 "Love Your Neighbor" DBS: Matt 13:1–9, 18–23, 44–46 |
discern; Jesus Quiz | consider God, With, Us: Incarnation I-II III.1 III.2 III.3-IV |
3/8 | theological capture | read 1 John 4:1–6 watch Loving Jesus the Wrong Way: Christological Heresies I II III IV: focus on one heresy of interest |
discern; prep for break |
While on spring break, practice your skills: do, share, show love, etc. |
3/18 | watch Loving Jesus the Wrong Way V VI VII VIII IX: focus on one heresy of interest | report from break; discern | read Grenz pp 107–129 |
3/20 | the Son's passion | read Walk through the Bible ch 6 "Sacrifice" read The Father Glorified ch 11 "Suffering" DBS: Luke 9:20–25, 14:25–35 |
discern |
watch God's Anointed: Jesus' Relationship with the Holy Spirit, and Ours I-II III |
3/22 | the Son's sacrifice | read Isa 52:13–53:12 Jesus Saves, But How? The Priestly Office III.1 III.2 III.3 III.4 |
process soteriology; testimony | read Ps 107 |
3/25 | the Son's resurrection | read The Father Glorified ch 12 "Resurrection" consider Easter Changes Everything I II III.1 III.2 read Rom 8:3–17 |
discern |
read Col 2:20–3:15 read Bass "What's the Earliest Evidence for Christianity?" read Grenz pp 132–152 |
3/27 | judgment | DBS: 1 Pet 4:12–19 consider Judgment as a Form of Salvation I.1 I.2 |
discern | truly optional: read Work "Do You Not Care?" read Grenz pp 276–296 consider The Holy Spirit in the Bible and Everywhere Else I II III IV V VI-VII |
over Easter break: discover, do and tell! worship and reflect! mentor and be mentored! share God's love! | ||||
4/3 | the Son's Lordship | read The Father Glorified ch 13 "Obedience-Based Disciple Making" read Walk through the Bible ch 7 "New Life, New Communities" |
discern |
read Grenz pp 154–175 |
4/5 | takeaway: Trinity and heresies, as fruits and signals of misunderstanding | consider The Threeness of God I-III IV V.1 V.2 VI.1 VI.2 |
discern | DBS: John 15:1–17 read Grenz 31–51 |
4/8 | dogmas in missional context | consider The Apostolic Paradigm I-III IV.1 IV.2 |
Newbigin's ladder | read Jer 3:14-17, 1 Pet 1:1-9, Eph 1:15-23 |
4/10 | the Son's body | read Romans 15:5-13 read The Father Glorified ch 14 "Person of Peace" read John 4:1-42, Acts 16:9–15, 40 |
five H's seeking persons of peace in fallen contexts |
read Grenz pp 207–227 consider Ecclesiology: Who Cares? I II III IV: focus on how ekklesia relates to 1-2 challenges important to you |
4/12 | consider What Makes a Church? Dead Ends I II.1 II.2 II.3 II.4: focus on 1-2 dead ends of interest |
ecclesial dead ends as mixed signals of self-understanding |
DBS: Acts 2:36–47 | |
4/13 | Bible log and book-specific exercise due | |||
4/15 | consider What Makes a Church? Open Lanes III IV V VI.1 VI.2-VII |
ecclesial open lanes as other mixed signals; review church circle |
read Rev 2–3: what protects churches' integrity and health? | |
love's way exercise due | ||||
4/17 | the Kingdom's co-heirs | read The Father Glorified ch 15 "How Disciples Are Made" DBS: 1 Peter 1:22–2:5 |
read Grenz pp 179–204 |
prayer and worship report due | ||||
4/19 | consider Signs of the Order of Salvation I II.1 III.1 IV.1 V.1 optional: II.2 III.2 IV.2 V.2-VI |
optional: if curious about controversies over sacraments, especially baptism and communion, view Sacraments: Practicing Salvation I.1 I.2 I.3 (intro), II.1 II.2 II.3 (baptism), III.1 III.2-IV (communion) | |
4/20 | duckling report due | |||
4/22 | the Kingdom's future | read Walk through the Bible ch 8 "Future Revelation" DBS: Matt 24:3–14 |
read Grenz pp 252–273 | |
discovery group report and theological analysis of a worship service due | ||||
4/24 | consider Eschatology: Pathology and Treatment II.1 II.2 II.3 III | optional: additional material on eschatology is available in sections I IV.1 IV.2 V | ||
living theology log and do-and-tell report due | ||||
final exam: 12:45 section 4/30 12-2pm; 2:00 section 5/1 12-2pm | ||||
Go and make disciples! Keep abiding, practicing, sharing what you know, and growing and multiplying grace and fruitfulness! Keep in touch, and contact me if I can help you launch! |