Theology for Discipleship 2024: Schedule
Before we meet: Read Keith Johnson, Theology as Discipleship, chs 1-2, and Jerry Trousdale and Glenn Sunshine, The Kingdom Unleashed, through chapter 9.
In Person |
In Class, in order |
After Class, in order |
I. Life from the Father: forming theology | |
Tuesday Aug 20, 1-2pm What is discipleship for? Spiritual means for spiritual ends “Love God until nothing else matters”: Deut 6:4-9, John 14:15, Rom 13:8 |
read Paul Graham, "The Lesson to Unlearn": What lessons might you need to unlearn so not to miss out on education’s truer benefits? watch "Faithfulness over Knowledge": Where (if at all) does this video's thesis challenge your assumptions? |
2:15-3:30pm Align with God’s heart: Ezek 11:17–20 "I Don't Think It Means What You Think It Means": Love, Hope, Faith |
watch James K.A. Smith "You Are What You Love" (start at 10:00) truly optional, later: watch (don't "study") Love, Hope, Faith I II III.1 III.2 IV.1 IV.2-V (from YouTube playlist) begin the love’s way exercise |
3:45-5:30pm Desperate Kingdom prayer: Luke 11:5–13, Acts 1:6-14 prayer cycle, multiplying extraordinary prayer The Lord is the Teacher: John 6:44–45, Matt 23:8–10, James 1:22 God’s Otherness and Self-Revelation the discovery process, SOAPS Bible reading |
watch this video on prayer develop a prayer rhythm (my guide is here) watch DBS guide truly optional, later: watch (don't "study") The Otherness of God I II III IV.1 IV.2 V and/or From Jesus to Scripture: How Christ Instituted the Bible I.1 I.2-II III IV-V consider SOAPSing samples of your reading in the New Testament |
II. Death in the Son: transforming theology | |
7-9pm Transformations: Luke 9:43–45, Philippians 2:5–7, Acts 15:11 ‘Kenotic’ interfaith dialogue
missional ‘death experience’: SOAPS Bible study Glorify the Father: Matt 4:22–5:13 The Brutal Facts and great evangelical recession
feel free to read (or peruse) Lesslie Newbigin, "The Basis, Purpose, and Manner of Inter-Faith Dialogue" (Canvas): How would 'descending the staircase' change how you engage people of other faiths? |
III. Resurrection by the Spirit: fruitful theology | |
Wednesday Aug 21, 2:15-3:30pm Don’t convert to disciple, disciple to convert: Luke 6:46–48, John 8:31–33
truly optional: consider The Apostolic Paradigm I-III IV.1 IV.2 and/or The Threeness of God I-III IV V.1 V.2 VI.1 VI.2 feel free to read Johnson ch 2 any time |
DiscipleShift: transforming formation
Course logistical challenges and responses |
read Moran "The Seven Journeys" in Spent Matches ch 7 (Canvas) |
Remote |
You'll DBS one passage per week, with classmates or (preferably) others; other key passages you can SOAPS by yourself. Writing out the passage is optional if you can read a passage closely and carefully anyway. If it is more personally convenient, you may DBS the SOAPS text and vice versa.
Workflow: 'Weeks' run Tuesday to Monday.
Tues/Wed: SOAPS or DBS Bible passage(s), answer written questions (Canvas), then read/watch the first topic. Thurs: discuss.
Fri-Sun: SOAPS or DBS Bible passage(s), answer written questions (Canvas), then read/watch the second topic. Mon: discuss.
Week One: author and Lord of all things; God's human creatures Oct 22: SOAPS Gen 1:1–2:3; better yet, DBS at home; then answer written questions on Canvas, Oct 23: watch Creation as Trust I II III IV V-VI Oct 24: take ungraded self-test on Canvas, then discuss online Oct 25: DBS Gen 2:4–25, then answer questions on Canvas, Oct 26: watch Humanity in God's Image I.1 I.2 II-III Oct 28: discuss online |
Week Two: out of sin's maze; God makes disciple-makers Oct 29: SOAPS Gen 3, Rom 3:9–26, Luke 10:1–24, then answer questions, then read Trousdale and Sunshine chs 13-14 Oct 30: watch What Is Sin? I II III IV V VI-VII Oct 31: discuss online Nov 1: read Gen 12:1–9, 15:1–21; DBS Isa 6:1–8, Matt 4:17–22; read Johnson ch 3 Nov 2: watch Predestination: History, Legacies, and Prospects I II III.1 III.2-IV Nov 4: discuss online |
Week Three: incarnation; theological capture Nov 5: DBS Matt 13:1–9, 18–23, and either include 44–47 or read them afterwards; then answer questions, then read Trousdale and Sunshine chs 15-16 Nov 6: watch God, With, Us: Incarnation I-II III.1 III.2 III.3-IV Nov 7: discuss online Nov 8: SOAPS 1 John 4:1–6 then answer questions, Nov 9: watch Loving Jesus the Wrong Way V VI VII VIII IX and focus on one heresy of interest Nov 11: discuss online |
Week Four: the anointing Holy Spirit; salvation Nov 12: DBS Luke 9:20–25, 14:25–35, then answer questions, Nov 13: watch The Holy Spirit in the Bible and Everywhere Else I II III IV V VI-VII Nov 14: discuss online Nov 15: SOAPS 1 Peter 1:22–2:5, read Johnson ch 4 Nov 16: read Signs of the Order of Salvation I II.1 III.1 IV.1 V.1; Nov 18: discuss online |
Week Five: worship, mission, and Trinity part two Nov 19: DBS Matthew 10:19-11:1, then read Trousdale and Sunshine ch 17, then answer questions Nov 20: read Matt 28:1–10 and 16–20, Acts 1:4–11, John 20:19–23, Rev 5:6–14, Rev 7:9–12, Rom 10:12–17, and skim Acts 16–18, Nov 21: discuss online Nov 22: DBS Eph 3:4–13, read Isa 52:13–53:12, then read Johnson ch 5, then answer questions Nov 23: watch Jesus Saves, But How? Intro I-II and Jesus Saves, But How? The Priestly Office III.1 III.2 III.3 III.4 Nov 25: discuss online |
Week Six: Jesus' atoning life, death, and resurrection Nov 26: read Col 2:20–3:15, Rom 8:3–17 (SOAPS or DBS one if you like), Trousdale and Sunshine ch 18, then answer questions Nov 27: watch Easter Changes Everything I II III.1 III.2 Nov 28: your first assignment due on Canvas (descriptions on the Tasks page) Nov 29: discuss online Nov 30: read Ps 82, read or SOAPS/DBS John 10:30–39, then watch Jesus Saves, But How? The Royal Office IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 Dec 2: discuss online |
Week Seven: eschatological future and judgment Dec 3: SOAPS Ex 34:1–10, then answer questions, then read Johnson ch 6 Dec 4: watch The Prophetic Office V.1 V.2 V.3 V.4 V.5-VI Dec 5: discuss online Dec 6: SOAPS Matt 24:3–14 and DBS: 1 Pet 4:12–19, then answer questions, then read Johnson ch 7 Dec 7: your second assignment due on Canvas Dec 7: watch Eschatology: Pathology and Treatment II.1 II.2 II.3 III Dec 9: discuss online |
(Half) Week Eight: the Son's body Dec 10: DBS Acts 2:36–47, answer questions, then watch Ecclesiology: Who Cares? I II III IV: focus on how ekklesia relates to 1-2 challenges important to you Dec 11: your third assignment due on Canvas Dec 11: watch What Makes a Church? Dead Ends I II.1 II.2 II.3 II.4: focus on 1-2 dead ends of interest, then Dec 12: discuss online Schedule oral exams in groups of four | |
Go and make and be disciples! Keep abiding, practicing, sharing what you know, and growing and multiplying grace and fruitfulness! Keep in touch, and contact me if I can help you launch! |