Schedule (update 11/15: fixed a due date)



lectures podcast
significant dates


required recommended
(•= for all, + = optional or among choices)


The Shape of the Course

syllabus: Course, Vision, Tasks, Remote Guidelines, Workbook Tips, Learning from Podcasts, Learning in Freedom

skim A Few (Strong) Suggestions on Essay Writing

9/2 Love, Hope, Faith I II III.1 III.2 IV.1 IV.2-V S 1 Corinthians 13:1-14:1, James K.A. Smith "You Are What You Love" (start at 10:00), Keller "The Skeptical Student" (Canvas)
+ + +


DeYoung intro and ch 1
+ + +

As you consider books, take a look at these book-specific exercises (submitted near end-of-semester)


The Apostolic Paradigm I-III IV.1 IV.2 / Companion (these are optional) / Self-test (after viewing and before class)

Newbigin The Other Side of 1984 (all on Canvas) pp 5-16
  +   Barth ch 1

Complete entrance exams (Google Doc; PDF, docx) (hold on to these until the end of the course)

Life from the Father


The Otherness of God I II III IV.1 IV.2 V C S

Exodus 3, Edis "An Ambivalent Nonbelief" (Canvas), Keller (Reason for God) Preface and Introduction and ch 2, Newbigin "The Gospel as Public Truth," "Can the West Be Converted?

  +   Barth chs 2-4
+ + +


DeYoung chs 2-3
+ + +

Begin your theology-in-life log / Bible companion / peer dialogue / exercise on love (submitted near end-of-semester)


Creation as Trust I II III

Genesis 1:1-2:5, Psalm 104, Keller ch 8, Newbigin "Honest Religion for Secular Man"
  +   Barth chs 5-7

Creation as Trust IV V-VI C S

Genesis 2:5-25, Keller ch 6
  +   Barth chs 8-9
+ + +

Find a mentor for this book assignment by today (submitted near end-of-semester)


God, With, Us: Incarnation I-II C

Luke 1, Keller Intermission

Humanity in God's Image I.1 I.2 II-III C S

Keller ch 9
+ + +


begin Mikalatos / Work (Jesus—The End and the Beginning) / Wright, DeYoung chs 14-15


What Kind of Thing Is Christian Faith? I-II.1 II.2-III IV-V

Newbigin "Through Faith Alone"
+ + +

Theology: An Introduction to an Introduction I-III

Work "Witness to the Signs"

Test 1 (take beforehand on Canvas; we will go over results in class)

God, With, Us: Incarnation III.1 III.2 III.3-IV C S

Isaiah 45, Philippians 2:1-11, Newbigin "Post-Enlightenment Culture as a Missionary Problem"
  +   Barth chs 10-12
Memorize the Ten Commandments by today (helpful heuristic here, h/t student Jimmy Wittrock, or here, h/t student Skyler Hust)


Loving Jesus the Wrong Way: Christological Heresies I II III IV S

Luke 2:1-20, John 1:1-18, Romans 5:12-21, 1 Corinthians 15, Hebrews 2:5-18, 4:14-16

+ + + Is your theology-in-life log current?

Loving Jesus the Wrong Way V VI VII VIII IX C S


Barth chs 13-14


God's Anointed: Jesus' Relationship with the Holy Spirit, and Ours I-II III C S

Matthew 3, Mark 1:1-11, John 1:19-51, Newbigin The Finality of Christ pp 65-87


The Threeness of God I-III IV V.1

John 14-17, Keller ch 14, Newbigin "The Mission of the Triune God"

+ + +  

begin Barron / Johnson / Voice of the Martyrs (VOM), read Work through ch 2

note upcoming discussions of some readings

9/30 The Threeness of God V.2 VI.1 VI.2 S

Luke 3:1-22

"St. Patrick's Bad Analogies"

Memorize the Lord's Prayer by today


The Holy Spirit in the Bible and Everywhere Else I II III IV V VI-VII S

Acts 2, 2 Cor 3

Test 2 (take beforehand; we will take questions in class)
Death in the Son


What Is Sin? I II III

Genesis 3:1-6:5, Keller ch 10, Newbigin Sin and Salvation I-III, Work "God in the Ashes"

Submit applied theology project ideas (here) by tonight


What Is Sin? IV V VI-VII S

Romans 1:18-2:16 and 5:12-14, Keller ch 5, Newbigin Sin and Salvation IV, Dalrymple "The Frivolity of Evil"

+ + + Reminder: for those doing it, record your conversation with a mentor mid-way through the book
10/9 Midterm (review guide)

Predestination: History, Legacies, and Prospects I II [S]

Romans 8-11 (cf. Isaiah 19:9-14), Ephesians 1:1-14, Newbigin A Faith for This One World pp 77-83

+ + +


finish Barron through part I, Work through ch 4


Predestination: History, Legacies, and Prospects III.1 III.2-IV S

Work "Annunciation as Election"

Keller and applied theology project discussions (bring your book)

Keller "Keynote at DTS Hendricks Center", Newbigin "Certain Faith"

review/catch up on Keller chapters we've already read

+ + +

Discipleship: Christology from Behind I II III.1 III.2 C S

Test 3 (cancelled)

Jesus Saves, But How? Intro and The Priestly Office I-II III.1 III.2 III.3 III.4 S

Numbers 8:5-22, Hebrews 9:1-10:25, Keller ch 12, Newbigin Sin and Salvation V

  +   Barth chs 15-17
+ + +


DeYoung ch 5

Easter Changes Everything I II III.1 III.2 S

Matthew 28:1-15, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-49, John 20:1-21:23, Keller ch 13, Bass "What's the Earliest Evidence for Christianity?", Newbigin "Christ the Clue to History"

+ + +



Submit applied theology project proposals (here) by tonight


Jesus Saves, But How?: The Royal Office IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 S

1 Samuel 8:1-22, Matthew 27:11-44, Newbigin "Bible Study on Romans 8", Work "King of the World"


Can God Really Suffer? I-II III IV-V S

Mark 14:1-15:47, 1 Corinthians 1:8-2:16
+ + +


DeYoung ch 9

Jesus Saves, But How?: The Prophetic Office V.1 V.2 V.3 V.4 V.5-VI S

Jeremiah 1:4-10, Deuteronomy 18:15-19, Acts 3:18-26, Newbigin Sin and Salvation VI

  +   Barth chs 18-20
+ + +


read Work through ch 5, DeYoung ch 7, begin Donovan

Eschatology: Pathology and Treatment I

Acts 10:44-48, Newbigin Sin and Salvation VIII, Work "Once Upon a Tribulation"
  + +

Eschatology: Pathology and Treatment II.1 II.2 II.3 III S

Revelation 20:1-22:5, 2 Thessalonians 2

  + +

Eschatology: Pathology and Treatment IV.1 IV.2 V S


Judgment as a Form of Salvation I.1 I.2 [S]

Matthew 24:1-25:46, 1 Peter 3:8-5:11, 2 Peter 3, Work, "Do You Not Care?", Keller chs 2, 4

  + +

Judgment as a Form of Salvation II-IV S

Newbigin "Speaking the Truth to Caesar"


Book discussions (bring your books)

discuss thus-far-assigned chapters of Barth / DeYoung or first half of Barron / Work / Wright

Test 4
Resurrection by the Holy Spirit

Ecclesiology: Who Cares? I II III [S]

Jeremiah 3:1-4:4, Hebrews 3:7-4:13, Newbigin "On Being the Church for the World", Work "Get Real"


Ecclesiology: Who Cares? IV S

Romans 11
+ + +


finish Barron / Mikalatos / Wright, DeYoung ch 16
Memorize the Apostles' Creed by today

What Makes a Church? Dead Ends I II.1 II.2 II.3 II.4 S

Psalm 24, Acts 8:14-17, 1 Thessalonians 1, Revelation 2-3, Keller ch 11
  +   Barth ch 22
  Deadline to withdraw or change to pass/fail (courses for GE requirements cannot be P/F)


What Makes a Church? Open Lanes (Catholic and Protestant) III IV V S

John 17:20-23


What Makes a Church? Open Lanes (Pentecostal) VI.1 VI.2-VII S

1 Corinthians 1:1-17, Work "I Belong to the One True Church"

11/11 The Wholeness of the Church I-II III IV-V S Romans 12, Luke 6:17-38, Acts 4:32-37, Acts 10:44-48, 1 Corinthians 14, Newbigin "Evangelism in the City", Work "Rock of Aged"
+ + +


DeYoung ch 12
Test 5

The Church as Mission I II III.1 III.2 S

Acts 6:1-7, Acts 15, Acts 20:25-32, 1 Timothy, Psalm 66, 84, 149, 150, Newbigin "Mission in a Modern City,"Work "Is Required Worship Unspiritual?", Work "My Enemy, Myself"

  +   Barth chs 23-24
+ + +


DeYoung chs 11, 17, 18

How is your applied theology project coming along?

11/16 Religions Newbigin "The Basis, Purpose And Manner Of Inter-Faith Dialogue" (Canvas), Keller ch 1
  + +

The Church as Mission IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 V S

Newbigin "Evangelism in the Context of Secularization"
+ + +


Work through ch 6, DeYoung ch 10

Sacraments: Practicing Salvation I.1 I.2 I.3 S

Mark 4:10-20, Acts 8:26-40, Romans 10:8-17, 2 Timothy 3, Titus 1:1-9, Newbigin Sin and Salvation VII
+ + +


DeYoung ch 13
+ + + Analysis of a worship service due (here) by tonight

Love Revisited

1 John 4:7-5:5

review 1 Corinthians 13:1-14:1, James K.A. Smith "You Are What You Love," Keller "The Skeptical Student" (Canvas)

  + +

The Way(s) of Salvation I II III.1 III.2 IV.1 IV.2-V

+ + +

Conclude your theology-in-life log (here) by tonight


From Jesus to Scripture: How Christ Instituted the Bible I.1 I.2-II III IV-V S

Psalm 19, Matthew 5:17-48, Luke 4:14-22, Keller ch 7

+ + +


DeYoung ch 4
+ + +

Finish your love story (here) or Bible companion (here) by tonight

+ + +   finish Donovan / Johnson / VOM / Work


Baptism: Sign of Initiation II.1 II.2 II.3 S

Luke 3:21-22, Mark 10:33-45, Romans 6:1-4, Galatians 3:27-29, 1 Peter 3:18-22

Test 6  
+ + +

Report on your training in righteousness (here) by tonight


Oral exam practice (practice questions here)

+ + +

In-class applied theology project presentations (these are optional) can happen today

+ + +

Conclude your mentoring report or book-specific exercise (both go here) by tonight


Communion: Sharing Salvation III.1 III.2-IV S

1 Corinthians 11, Newbigin "The Congregation as Hermeneutic of the Gospel"

+ + + Conclude and comment on your peer dialogue (here) by tonight

Signs of the Order of Salvation I II.1 III.1

Keller Epilogue

Signs of the Order of Salvation II.2 III.2

+ + +


DeYoung ch 6

Submit applied theology projects (here) by tonight


Signs of the Order of Salvation IV.1 V.1 S

    Signs of the Order of Salvation IV.2 V.2-VI S Work "Reordering Salvation"
+ + +


DeYoung ch 8
+ + +

Bring your entrance exams for an in-class exercise

finals week

Final exam
12:45: Tuesday 12/15 12pm
2:00: Wednesday 12/16 12pm

+ + +

Oral exam

by sign-up
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