Doctrine spring 2025: Schedule
Before (or in) Class, in order |
After Class, in order |
DNA | |
Jan 6: Our course is shaped around a unique God. | |
(in class) The Shape of the Course (in class) DBS of 2 Peter 1:2–12 |
read syllabus: course, policies, tasks; put midterm and final dates on your planner, and honor them in your travel plans |
Jan 8: Doctrine's heart is the fruitful understanding of God's grace in truth. Scripture is a fine place to discover it. | |
watch "Faithfulness over Knowledge": Where (if at all) does this video's thesis challenge your assumptions? read Zúme training guide on spiritual breathing and SOAPS Bible study (Canvas) SOAPS James 1:19–26: you may do the 'written' parts orally read The Father Glorified (TFG) pp 11-12 and ch 1 "Prayer" read A Walk through the Bible ch 1 "A Unique Account" (in-class) Doctrine(s) of Scripture I |
apply and share ('do and tell') your SOAPS optional: if you're curious, watch a longer version of the mini-lecture on scripture at From Jesus to Scripture: How Christ Instituted the Bible I.1 I.2-II (the lecture continues later in the semester) |
Jan 10: Christian doctrine (teaching) and pedagogy (approach to teaching) are accountable to their domain, which is God's Kingdom. |
read Paul Graham, "The Lesson to Unlearn" read Matthew 23:1–12, Luke 6:46–49, John 8:30–37, John 14:21 (in class) Doctrine High-Value Targets and the College Value Paradox |
if we skipped it in-class, watch this five-minute video for how and why we are using scripture review the Tasks page to learn about books and assignments and consider your options (prompts are here) |
Jan 13: Doctrine's proper source is God's work and self-revelation, witnessed and received in growing faith, firmer hope, and sacrificial love. | |
read Jeremiah 31:23–34, Isaiah 54:11–14 and John 6:41–47, John 1:35–51, John 14:5–26, 2 Corinthians 3:2–4:2 SOAPS Luke 9:37–42 (in class) theological method |
'do and tell' following SOAPS if you enjoy hearing (reading) and doing the Word, consider the Bible Log exercise |
Jan 15: 'Biblical' knowledge means intimacy with God. | |
read Deut 6:1–15: What are some ways God's people are to express their love for God? What do they have to do with God's expressions of love for them? watch James K.A. Smith "You Are What You Love" (start at 10:00) read 1 Cor 12:31–14:1 look for faith, hope, and love as you SOAPS 1 Pet 1:3–9 (in class) Love, Hope, Faith |
read 1 Thess 1: How does Paul see faith, hope, and love in the Thessalonians' behaviors? In other words, what do these traits look like in Thessalonica? if this has piqued your interest, consider the Love's Way exercise (Canvas) optional deep-dive: watch Love, Hope, Faith I II III.1 III.2 IV.1 IV.2-V (from YouTube playlist) |
Jan 17: Prayer expresses intimacy with God. | |
read The Insanity of God ch 21 (Canvas) read Matt 6:5–15, Luke 11:1–13, and Col 1:1–14, 24-26 watch this video on prayer read the brief Zúme prayer guide (Canvas) (in class) The Church as Mission II / Praying the Mission |
consider developing a habit of regular extraordinary prayer optional deep-dive: watch The Church as Mission I II (continued later) |
Jan 21: Doctrine's primary setting is God's radically inclusive fellowship. | |
Watch "Ordinary People" (94 minutes) along with 1+ people not in our class and get their impressions |
identify one or more of the mentors whose 'duckling' you have been choose which written assignments you will complete |
Jan 22: God is uniquely powerful. | |
SOAPS Mark 5:21–42 read The Father Glorified (TFG) ch 2 "Miracles" |
read 1 Cor 1:18–2:9: How does Paul see God's power comparing to ordinary power? How might his own experience have informed his perspective? find a testimony of God's power from someone you know, and discern what it suggests or teaches |
Creator, Creation, and Uncreation "Every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth" (James 1:17–18 ESV). |
Jan 24: The Lord is a different kind of God. | |
read Ex 3:1–18, Deut 4:14–20, Jer 10:1–16, Rom 1:18–23, 1 John 1:1–5, Heb 1:1–4; SOAPS whichever passage draws you the most |
Jan 27: God is hidden and revealed. | |
squad DBS of Acts 17:16–34 (handout, if helpful) read Ex 19:20–20:6, 2 Kings 17:24–33 and 17:41, John 4:3–26 (in class) God's Otherness |
optional deep-dive: watch The Otherness of God I II III IV.1 IV.2 V |
Jan 29: God makes disciple-makers. | |
read TFG ch 3 "Dreams and Visions" read A Walk through the Bible ch 2 "Chosen by God" read Gen 11:31–12:7, 15:1–21 read Isa 6:1–8 and SOAPS Matt 4:17–22 |
read about dreams in the Bible begin identifying a duckling to guide |
Jan 31: God initiates, but how and why? | |
SOAPS 2 Cor 5:14–6:3 watch Predestination: History, Legacies, and Prospects part I, part II then read at least two of these sets of passages to discover what they imply about election: |
optional deep-dive: watch Predestination: History, Legacies, and Prospects III.1 III.2-IV |
Feb 3: God gathers his sheep and cares for them. | |
read Deut 29:24–30:10, Jer 3:14–17, and then SOAPS Rom 15:4–13 to discover how God intends to gather his chosen people review TFG ch 3 (in class) Why Church? I-II |
Feb 5: God speaks and acts through prophets. | |
read A Walk through the Bible ch 3, "Judges, Kings, and Prophets" read Ex 34:1–10, then SOAPS Matt 4:23–5:16 read Jer 18:1–11 and John 11:45–53 read TFG ch 4 "Moved with Compassion" watch this video on compassion (in class) Christ's Prophetic Office |
begin teaching your duckling how to mentor optional deep-dive: watch Jesus Saves, But How? Intro I-II and The Prophetic Office V.1 V.2 V.3 V.4 V.5-VI |
Feb 7: God reigns above principalities and powers. | |
DBS: Luke 8:26–39 read TFG ch 5 "Spiritual Warfare" read Ps 82 read A Walk through the Bible ch 4, "Return and Renewal" (in-class: get started on Christ's Royal Office) |
Feb 10: God's kingdom comes to acknowledge his reign as 'king of kings.' | |
read Ps 2, then Acts 3:21-22: what does God mean by quoting the psalm at Jesus' baptism? read Mark 2:23-28: what does this passage teach about who Jesus is and what that means for followers? read Mark 11:7-11, then Zech 9:9 in context and Ps 118:26 in context: what is Jesus communicating through this imagery? read Col 2:13-17, then SOAPS Acts 2:29–47 read Ps 68:17-21, then Eph 4:1-17 (in-class: finish Christ's Royal Office) |
complete self-report by Monday class optional deep-dive: watch Jesus Saves, But How? The Royal Office IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 IV.4 IV.5 IV.6 |
Feb 12: God's attributes | |
read TFG ch 6 "Authority of Scripture" DBS: John 15:1–17 read Phil 2:3–13, Rom 8:1–18 (in-class) The Apostolic Paradigm |
'do and tell' optional deep-dive: watch The Apostolic Paradigm I-III IV.1 IV.2 |
Feb 14: 'discipling to convert' | |
read Roy Moran Spent Matches ch 7 (Canvas): how does discipleship connect with our recent material on Christ's royal office, authority of scripture, and the apostolic paradigm? (in-class) Discipleship |
consider one of Moran's "seven journeys" story sets for SOAPSing or DBSing with others not in the class; longer descriptions are in a folder on Canvas optional deep-dive: watch Discipleship: Christology from Behind I II III.1 III.2 |
Feb 19: doctrines concerning scripture | |
watch this video on persons of peace read Ps 119:65–72, SOAPS 2 Tim 3:10–17 (in-class) Doctrine(s) of Scripture II-V |
optional deep-dive: watch From Jesus to Scripture: How Christ Instituted the Bible I.1 I.2-II III IV-V |
Feb 21: author and Lord of all things | |
watch this video on discovery Bible study read TFG ch 7 "Scripture Stories" read Gen 1:1–2:3; SOAPS a section that draws you (in class) Creation I-II |
tune up your DBSs |
Feb 24: doctrines of creation; rivals as missional contexts | |
read Ps 104: how does all the detail contribute to the psalm's picture of God as creator? closely read Gen 2:3–25; SOAPS a section that draws you read Col 1:12–23, John 1:1-18, and Heb 1:1-3: how are creation and salvation linked in Christ? (in class) Creation III-VI |
optional deep-dive: watch Creation as Trust I II III IV V-VI |
Feb 26: God's human creatures | |
read A Walk through the Bible ch 5, "God's Kingdom and Jesus" read Rom 5:10–21, Eph 4:17–24 watch this video on planting and growing churches (in-class) Humanity in God's Image |
read Roger Charles, "Many Small Victories" optional deep-dive: watch Humanity in God's Image I.1 I.2 II-III |
Feb 28: out of sin's maze | |
read TFG ch 8 "The Discovery Process" closely read Gen 3, Rom 3:9–26 (in class) Sin I-II |
read Luke 10:1–24 |
Feb 28: stereoscopic Bible log due (don't also submit frontier theology log) | |
Mar 3: going to those far from God | |
read James 1:13–16, Matt 5:21–37, Luke 14:34–16:15; SOAPS one of the parables in the Luke passage that draws you (in class) Sin III-VI |
optional deep-dive: watch What Is Sin? I II III IV V VI-VII |
Mar 5: midterm: includes one complete online lecture | |
Mar 5: prayer and worship report due (don't also submit worship service analysis) | |
Mar 7: God's sent ones | |
read TFG ch 9 "The Great Commission" read Matt 10:19–11:1, Matt 28:1–10 and 16–20, Acts 1:4–11, John 20:19–23, Rom 10:12–17, Rev 5:6–14, Rev 7:9–12 SOAPS 2 Cor 5:9–6:13 watch this video on growing leaders (in class) Worship's Mission, and The Church's Wholeness |
skim Acts 16–18 if your groups are functioning well, think about beginning to start your own if you haven't already optional deep-dive: watch The Church as Mission I II III.1 III.2 (less important: IV.1 IV.2 IV.3 V) and/or The Wholeness of the Church I-II III IV-V |
Who Is This? "in these last days [God] has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed the heir of all things, through whom also he created the world. He is the radiance of the glory of God" (Hebrews 1:2–3). |
Mar 17: the Son's invitation | |
read TFG ch 10 "Love Your Neighbor" (in class) guest |
follow-up: read Rom 5:12–21, Isa 45:18–25, Phil 2:5–11; SOAPS Col 1:13–20 (you read it earlier, but pay closer attention) |
Mar 17: frontier theology log due (don't also submit stereoscopic Bible log) | |
Mar 19: theological capture in Antioch | |
SOAPS 1 John 4:1–6, read Matt 13:1–9, 18–23, 44–46, Matt 26:36–46, Rom 1:1–6 complete Jesus Quiz with your squad, and others if you like read Robert Wilken, "Not My Will but Thine" (Canvas) (in class) 'Antiochian' Christological Heresies I-IV |
optional deep-dive: watch Loving Jesus the Wrong Way: Christological Heresies I II III IV |
Mar 21: theological capture in Alexandria | |
read Walk through the Bible ch 6 "Sacrifice" review John 1:1–18; read Luke 24:33–43, Gal 4:4–7, Heb 2:14–3:6, Phil 2:4–13 (in class) 'Alexandrian' Christological Heresies V-IX |
optional deep-dive: watch Loving Jesus the Wrong Way V VI VII VIII IX |
Mar 22: do-and-tell report due (don't also submit new discovery group report) | |
Mar 24: the Son's passion | |
read TFG ch 11 "Suffering" DBS: Luke 9:18–25, 14:25–35 read Isa 52:13–53:12, Acts 9:1–31 (in class, depending on time) Can God Really Suffer? |
optional deep-dive: watch Jesus Saves, But How? The Priestly Office III.1 III.2 III.3 III.4 |
Mar 26: the Son's sacrifice | |
read Matt 27:33–54, Rom 3:21–27, Heb 2:14–17, Heb 9:11–10:25 (in class) Jesus Saves, But How? The Priestly Office; conclusion III VI |
read Ps 107 optional deep-dive: watch Can God Really Suffer? I-II III IV-V |
Mar 28: the Son's resurrection | |
read TFG ch 12 "Resurrection" read Luke 8:40–42 and 8:49‐56, Acts 3, 1 Cor 15:3–8 & 19–24 & 35–58, review Rom 8:8–18; SOAPS Col 2:20–3:14 (in class) Easter Changes Everything |
read Bass "What's the Earliest Evidence for Christianity?" optional deep-dive: watch Easter Changes Everything I II III.1 III.2 |
Mar 31: judgment | |
read Ps 2, Acts 4:23–31, Rev 5:1–13, Matt 24:42–25:46 DBS: 1 Pet 4:12–19 (in class) Judgment as a Form of Salvation I-III |
optional deep-dive: watch Judgment as a Form of Salvation I.1 I.2 II-IV truly optional: read Work "Do You Not Care?" |
Mar 31: book-specific exercise due: prompts are here | |
Apr 2: the Son's Lordship | |
read TFG ch 13 "Obedience-Based Disciple Making" read Ezek 37:5–14, Matt 10:16–23, John 16:7–15, John 7:37–39; SOAPS the one that grabs you most (in class) Relationships with the Holy Spirit |
optional deep-dive: watch The Holy Spirit in the Bible and Everywhere Else I II III IV V VI-VII |
Apr 2: new discovery group report due (don't also submit do-and-tell report) | |
Apr 4: God's Trinity and failures to comprehend it | |
read Walk through the Bible ch 7 "New Life, New Communities" review John 14:15–26, Matt 28:16–20, and Rom 8:1–17 (you studied them earlier) read these passages to answer: How does John 1:28–37 lay the groundwork for 3:31–36? (in class) God's Trinity I-V |
Apr 5: love's way exercise due | |
Apr 7: relational implications of God's relationality | |
read/review John 6:25–47, 7:14–18, 7:25–31, 8:12–19, 8:31–47, 10:24–39, and 1 John 4:1–6 DBS Eph 2:17–22 and 3:14–19 (in class) God's Trinity VI-VII |
optional deep-dive: watch The Threeness of God I-III IV V.1 V.2 VI.1 VI.2 |
New Creation's Fullness "If Christ is in you, although the body is dead because of sin, the Spirit is life because of righteousness. If the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you" (Romans 8:10–11). |
(remainder of the course is subject to change) | |
Apr 9: what can lead to a church, and what leads away from church | |
read TFG ch 14 "Person of Peace" on persons of peace, read John 4:1-42, Acts 16:9–15, 40 review Jer 3:14–17; read 1 Pet 1:1–9, Eph 1:15–23 (in class) Why Church? III (in class) What Makes a Church? I-II: focus on 1-2 dead ends of interest |
optional deep-dive: watch Ecclesiology: Who Cares? I II III IV: focus on how ekklesia relates to 1-2 challenges important to you optional deep-dive: watch What Makes a Church? Dead Ends I II.1 II.2 II.3 II.4 |
Apr 11: what may make a church | |
(in class) What Makes a Church? III-VII: focus on one open lane of interest |
optional deep-dive: watch What Makes a Church? Open Lanes III IV V VI.1 VI.2-VII read Rev 2–3: what protects churches' integrity and health? |
Apr 14: the Kingdom's co-heirs | |
read TFG ch 15 "How Disciples Are Made" |
Apr 16: seeking and saving the lost | |
DBS: 1 Peter 1:22–2:5 consider Signs of the Order of Salvation I II.1 III.1 IV.1 V.1 optional: II.2 III.2 IV.2 V.2-VI |
optional: if curious about controversies over sacraments, especially baptism and communion, view Sacraments: Practicing Salvation I.1 I.2 I.3 (intro), II.1 II.2 II.3 (baptism), III.1 III.2-IV (communion) |
Apr 18: duckling report due | |
Apr 21: theological analysis of a worship service due (don't also submit prayer and worship report) | |
Apr 23: the Kingdom's future | |
read Walk through the Bible ch 8 "Future Revelation" DBS: Matt 24:3–14 (in class) Eschatology |
optional deep-dive: watch Eschatology: Pathology and Treatment II.1 II.2 II.3 III optional: additional material on eschatology is available in sections I IV.1 IV.2 V |
May 1 noon-2pm (12:45 section) or Apr 28 noon-2pm (2:00 section): final exam: includes two complete online lectures from after the midterm | |
Go and make disciples! Keep abiding, practicing, sharing what you know, and growing and multiplying grace and fruitfulness! Keep in touch, and contact me if I can help you launch! |